Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Query over ability to stop climate change
Whether humanity mitigates climate change or not the living planet Earth will be transformed. The Earth will experience a worsening climate regardless of whether we mitigate or not.Those who advocate that humans can stop a climate change are not honest to their own conscious. Spending billion of money to try and stop climate change that is supposedly caused by one little factor; man-made greenhouse gases is a waste of time and resources.

Humankind must use its intellect, money and time to prepare to live in a new climatic environment that may be harsh than the present.Dr Kafumu, who is an expert in climate and environmental geology, is currently the Commissioner for Minerals in Tanzania.  [Via Climate Realists]
Seattle Climatologist Tells Freezing Residents To Turn Of The Lights And Heat | Real Science
Exactly which planet is their ivory tower located on?
Some "old" ice could be quite new
Another reason for skepticism about ice-core proxies for CO2 levels etc. The lower part of an Antarctic drill core may NOT be older than the upper parts -- completely overturning all existing ice-core assumptions. As of now, caution indicates that the lower part of any existing drill core must be taken as uninformative about the past

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