Sunday, May 01, 2011

Warmist Clive Hamilton: "Sometimes people must be jolted out of their complacency by militancy, even if that means a period of rancour, turmoil and danger."

We need a new environmental radicalism | Green Left Weekly
In the case of climate change the price of gradualism is the battle lost, because a delay to doing what we must for another one or two decades will lock in our fate for a thousand years.

The women’s movement and the civil rights movement had history on their side and were always going to succeed sooner or later. The environment movement also has history on its side; and something more tangible, the relentless force of scientific facts.
Sometimes coaxing the public to your point of view reaches an immovable barrier. Sometimes people must be jolted out of their complacency by militancy, even if that means a period of rancour, turmoil and danger.

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