Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Barry Cooper is a political science professor at the University of Calgary: "The strange little cult of anthropogenic global warming is moribund"

Cooper: Scientists grow cool to global warming theory
The curious social movement of environmentalism is in decline. The strange little cult of anthropogenic global warming is moribund. This is good news for science.
In the past year or so, the moral panic over global warming has died. Climategate helped. We now know that climate scientists, particularly if they work for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, like to cook their data.

1 comment:

David Appell said...

Why are you hawking this column, given that Cooper is obviously and extremely wrong in his claim about CO2 emitted by volcanoes?

See this recent article:

press release:

Doubt is one thing; but Cooper (and you) undercut your efforts when you publish obviously incorrect science.