Saturday, June 04, 2011

- Bishop Hill blog - Goot paper on consensus
There is a very strong implication in these messages that all the other journals which publish climatology papers were closed to sceptics. I think we can probably say that there is something of a consensus on this question.
Garnaut Says That Drought In Perth Is Caused By Humans | Real Science
Anyone can predict that a drought will happen somewhere in Australia, because they happen on a regular basis and always have.
They used to tar and feather snake oil salesmen.
Disappearing The 20th Century | Real Science
Ten years ago it became obvious that the MWP had to be disappeared to make the CO2 narrative work. Nobel Prize winner Mikey Mann stepped up to the plate pushed that sucker down.
Now that they have given up on warming and changed the meme to “extreme weather” – it has become obvious that much of the 20th century needs to be disappeared. Leading this effort is NOAA, which has recently lost most of it’s tornado records prior to 1953. The Dust Bowl never happened.

2011 is the most extreme weather in Earth’s history.

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