Monday, June 06, 2011

Blue skies and green footprint for festival season | Environment |
the festival-goers' journeys to the 500 gigs that take place each summer remains the toughest issue. The 5 million ticket holders overwhelmingly choose car travel, except in city centres, and this makes up 68% of the festival industry's footprint.
PAPER: Activist calls for forcibly tattooing ‘climate change’ deniers… » The Florida Cracker
What’s funny is his tattoo would say “Global Warming” but now since that hoax has been exposed, he wants to be know for “global climate change”
Global Climate Change — the new mantra of the envo-fascists and government grants.

If he were old enough.. his forehead would say.

The amazing melting bear
another lasted three months in wintry Toronto
So what will you do Monday? - Achenblog - The Washington Post
I should note that I did not personally contribute to a low-carbon future this weekend. I had a road trip. I was a consumer-culture person. I made huge batches of food. It is possible I personally caused about a one-inch rise in sea level. Maybe a couple of extinctions. (Because of me, andouille sausage is now listed under the Endangered Species Act as “Threatened.”)
I’m told by well-placed sources that college liberals don’t like the cap-and-trade idea because it still allows carbon emissions. It’s not a ban. But you have to work with legislative reality. For some reason, urgency on climate change legislation has diminished. Somewhere along the line, the debate shifted, and now even cap-and-trade seems to be moribund in Congress. Lawmakers aren’t doing anything as far as I can tell (correct me if I’m wrong). The planet continues to heat up — but somehow, fake controversies like “Climategate” suck up all the oxygen in the room.

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