Thursday, June 16, 2011

A blunder of staggering proportions by the IPCC | Watts Up With That?
What a mess. The IPCC and Pachauri may as well give it up. After a series of blunders, insults of “voodoo science” to people asking honest, germane, questions, Africagate, and now this, they have no place to go, they’ve hit rock bottom.

The credibility of the IPCC organization is shredded. Show these bozos the door.
C3: In Another Blow To The Theory That Climate Change Harms Marine Life, New Study Finds That Salmon Love Global Warming
And the growing peer-reviewed evidence just keeps mocking the anti-science alarmists: a new research study by Seo et al. determines that Pacific salmon actually prosper and survive longer in waters that are warmer.
The Reference Frame: Lindzen and Choi 2011: lots of improvements
If the calculated sensitivity 0.7 °C were pretty much right, it would follow that one expects no warming by 2090 or so - when the CO2 will be twice the pre-industrial value - because a warming by 0.7 °C has already occurred so there's "nothing left", assuming for the sake of simplicity that all non-CO2 sources of warming average out over two centuries or so.
Climate Lessons: Children recall what they have been taught about climate change: mostly nonsense
If so, the climate change report shown above is evidence that this phase of the war on children's minds may well have been won by those using CO2-alarm to gain political and financial advantages for their various causes. The children, and their teachers, are the immediate casualties, and they have my sympathies.
Die Klimazwiebel: More extreme weather?
Whenever I talk to colleagues or friends, they take it for granted that we already see the effects of climate change, manifesting itself in more extreme and unexpected weather.

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