Sunday, June 19, 2011

“Businesses are not getting the speed of return or the size of return from energy-saving investment they expect, so it has slipped down the agenda.”

Green taxes fail to reduce carbon emissions - Telegraph
Business leaders’ willingness to cut carbon emissions has fallen since the launch of a raft of green taxes on industry, according to a report.
Green taxes fail to reduce carbon emissions
Just 37pc of executives said investment in energy efficiency was a priority for their company, down from one half when the Carbon Reduction Commitment was launched last year.
Just 8pc of directors said shareholders were pushing for green technology.

The CRC is now under review after angry businesses said it was a needless burden.
Tim Lovejoy, head of energy and utilities for T-Systems, the IT provider, said: “Businesses are not getting the speed of return or the size of return from energy-saving investment they expect, so it has slipped down the agenda.”

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