Friday, June 17, 2011

Climate Common Sense: They are sending these Turkeys out Again after This BS Report!
I have never seen such an impressive report about absolutely nothing. Two hundred of the Climate Scam's finest brains trying to write a report on how marine life is coping or not coping it seems with at huge temperature change of .06 of one degree Celsius over 25 YEARS . Following such a successful trip and brilliant research showing the devastation immeasurable changes in temperature has wrought on wee marine beasties these mighty intellects have been rewarded with another ocean cruise paid for by the EU which obviously has plenty of money to spend on this nonsense even when a large number of their members are technically insolvent.
Easterbrook on the potential demise of sunspots | Watts Up With That?
The announcement that sun spots may disappear totally for several decades is very disturbing because it could mean that we are headed for another Little Ice Age during a time when world population is predicted to increase by 50% with sharply increasing demands for energy, food production, and other human needs. Hardest hit will be poor countries that already have low food production, but everyone would feel the effect of such cooling. The clock is ticking. Time will tell!

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