Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Climategate 2: Don’t Give Greenpeace a Chance | The Oregon Catalyst
When the IPCC shamelessly promotes Greenpeace agit-prop as “science,” is it any wonder climate skepticism is on the rise?
Deniers win climate battle, but they'll lose war
Climate change deniers have won the battle for the hearts and minds of the masses. That is why the governments of Canada and the U.S., not to mention Saskatchewan, are essentially doing nothing to address the biggest threat ever to civilization.
One flood or drought or tornado or hurricane or heat wave after another will ultimately wake us up and force us to transform our collective climate-altering behaviour.
Before Climate-Change Deniers, Flat Earthers - Sierra Daily
[This paragraph from Michelle Bachmann is allegedly "crazy talk"] Carbon dioxide, Mister Speaker, is a natural byproduct of nature. Carbon dioxide is natural. It occurs in Earth. It is a part of the regular lifecycle of Earth. In fact, life on planet Earth can’t even exist without carbon dioxide. So necessary is it to human life, to animal life, to plant life, to the oceans, to the vegetation that’s on the Earth, to the, to the fowl that — that flies in the air, we need to have carbon dioxide as part of the fundamental lifecycle of Earth.
Twitter / @Revkin
Our Untransparent President - http://nyti.ms/mDAV3W (I agree: At EPA media interviews with scientists still require on-the-line "minder")

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