Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Energy Tribune- What Are Schools Teaching Kids About Our Energy Future?
The point is that this is another of an apparently endless series of books made for middle school students that condemns how we live and how we make energy. If this one school library is a microcosm of other school libraries around the country than these same messages are being pounded into the heads of our youth day after day, year after year with virtually no opinion from anyone other than environmentally driven eco-authors whose mission is to re-invent energy production with no idea of how to do it. By the time these students are old enough to question the assumptions and errors in these books it might be too late to reverse the direction the radical environmental movement has taken us.
Government wants help to think of a reason to have a carbon tax: will pay $$ « JoNova: Science, carbon, climate and tax
Amazingly, there are now $250,000 grants (how many?) from the Department of Climate Change to anyone who can persuade the public to accept the carbon tax!

If the government had thought this through, they’d already know why they wanted to bring in the tax. (Or maybe they did think it through, but are afraid to tell us the real reasons?)

As it is, they’re only bringing in the tax because 12% of the voters voted one green member into the House of Reps, and it was the price paid to keep Gillard in power. But for most Australians that’s not quite sufficient reason to fork out hundreds of dollars per person each year. It’s a tough call to “sell” that to the other 88% of the voters.

This is not rule by the people for the people. This is the rule of the elite self-anointed superior beings who “know” what is right for the rest of us.

Where do I apply for a $250,000 grant to teach politicians and teachers the basic laws of logic and reason so that they might protect us from scams, con artists, and schemes to control the weather, issued by witchdoctors who do not even promise to “cool” the world by more than an unmeasurable thousandth of a degree?  Can someone point me to that department?

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