Saturday, June 11, 2011

EU Referendum: The wheels groan on my wagon
"Why vote blue, go green doesn't sound quite so clever any more", is the headline under which the Great Charles Moore writes in the Failygraph today, telling us, "It is time for Britain to walk away from its ridiculously stringent renewable energy plan". I do love the smell of a bandwagon in the morning ... and it is so good to see the great and the good catching up, at last.

But the truth is, it never did sound clever to "vote blue, go green", and it was five years ago that we should have been talking about walking away from the ridiculously stringent renewable energy plan, instead of sucking up to the "green tosser", as so many, so aptly, call the Boy Cameron.
Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Rush Limbaugh Slams Media’s Slobbering Over the Palin Emails, but Complete Disinterest in Digging into Obama
The New York Times and the Washington Post both are begging readers to help them sift through 24,000 e mails of Sarah Palin’s from her time as governor of Alaska. Now, they’re not going to let these people into their newsrooms. They’ll have to do this from home in their pajamas. But they’re soliciting help from their readers to pore through these Palin e mails.

I don’t recall this happening when we had that e mail release from the Hadley Climate Center at the University of East Anglia that demoed the hoax — that illustrated, that foretold the hoax — that is manmade global warming there was an effort to bury those e mails. But now, the New York Times and Washington Post want their readers to help them sift through these 24,000 e mails. This is an obsession. It is an obsession — and I’ll tell you, this is all going to end up backfiring on these people.
Small Boat, Big Mission: An Arctic Whale Survey -
The crew hopes to end up in Lancaster Sound, the eastern portal of the Northwest Passage, just as thousands of whales and seals and millions of seabirds are arriving from their winter homes.
Wait a minute: If bitter cold and thick ice are so wonderful, shouldn't these animals and birds spend their winters in the Arctic?

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