Monday, June 06, 2011

Global Warming to Mitt - By Mark Steyn - The Corner - National Review Online
He has a weird knack for reaching into the icebox to pull out the conventional wisdom when it’s five years past its sell-by date.
Now he’s come out in favor of global warming not when it was actually happening (over a decade ago) but two years after the peer-review hit the fan in East Anglia, Copenhagen, and at the IPCC.

This is like watching your parents do the Macarena: It’s embarrassing and it’s dated.

Mitt had a lot going for him last time round, but he seems determined not to learn from experience. And the least that voters are entitled to in a time of crisis is a presidential candidate who’s one step ahead of the conventional pieties, not someone so out of it that he orders his political positions from the remainder bin.

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