Saturday, June 11, 2011

Government confirms it will reject new Kyoto Protocol | Reuters
(Reuters) - Canada confirmed on Wednesday that it would not support an extended Kyoto Protocol after 2012, joining Japan and Russia in rejecting a new round of the climate emissions pact.
Kyoto may be empty shell by 2012 as nations opt out - Times Of India
NEW DELHI: The future of the Kyoto Protocol is in peril and the global compact could end up being an empty shell by 2012.
Ice cores: archives of past climate | Bess Koffman, Punctuated Equilibrium blog | Science |
We often hear strong opinions in the media about climate change. People cast themselves as "believers" or "sceptics" (although I prefer the term "deniers") -- often without a clear understanding of the evidence upon which scientists base their interpretations of how the climate is changing
Bess Koffman is nearing the completion of her PhD in Earth Sciences at the University of Maineʼs Climate Change [Hoax] Institute, where she investigates past climate using ice cores.

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