Sunday, June 19, 2011

In an attempt to sell the climate swindle, economist Ross Garnaut has spoken: Global warming junk science is allegedly 'beyond reasonable doubt'

Bring on the carbon tax - Between the Lines - Illawarra Mercury
As we shiver through the bitter cold of the past week, it's hard to believe the world is warming.

Yet the science on climate change is unequivocal: glaciers are melting, sea levels rising and more extreme weather events are upon us.

It reads like a horror movie
In 2008, Ross Garnaut published his Climate Change Interim Report. On May 31 he released his final report.

He is unambiguous: "I have replaced the premise of the 2008 Review that the reputable science was right 'on a balance of probabilities' with the premise that it is 'beyond reasonable doubt'."
Ross Garnaut: Information from
Ross Gregory Garnaut (born 28 July 1946, Perth, Western Australia[1]) AO is a Distinguished Professor of Economics

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