Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Is it just me, or is warmist Jeff Masters starting to mix more ass-covering into his global warming hoax promotional efforts?

Wunder Blog : U.S. had most extreme spring on record for precipitation
Nature's fury reached new extremes in the U.S. during the spring of 2011...There's never been a spring this extreme for combined wet and dry extremes in the U.S. since record keeping began over a century ago
What caused this spring's extremes?
During a La Niña episode in the Eastern Pacific, when the equatorial waters cool to several degrees below average, abnormally dry winter weather usually occurs in the southern U.S., and abnormally wet weather in the Midwest...With the jet stream at exceptional winter-like strengths, the stage was also set for massive tornado outbreaks.
Whenever an unprecedented series of extreme weather events hit, it is natural to ask how climate change may be affecting the odds of these events, since our climate is undergoing unprecedented changes. This spring's unusual precipitation pattern--wet in the Northern U.S., and dry in the South--does fit what we'd expect from a natural but unusually long-lived winter La Niña pattern (Figure 2). However, it also fits the type of precipitation pattern climate models expect to occur over the U.S. by the end of the century due to human-caused warming of the climate (though shifted a few hundred miles to the south, Figure 6.)
Keep in mind, though, that climate models are best at describing the future global average conditions, and not at predicting how climate change might affect individual continents--or at predicting how rare extreme events might change...Until we have many more years of data and more research results, we won't be able to say if climate change is likely to bring more springs with a circulation pattern like this year's.
...The near-record warm Gulf of Mexico SSTs this April that led to record Ohio Valley rainfalls and the 100-year $5 billion+ flood on the Mississippi River would have been much harder to realize without global warming.

1 comment:

T said...

Tom-I believe you are correct. Now why aren't more flackers like Mooney more circumspect?
