Monday, June 20, 2011

Jeff Reinartz: Climate change is not the result of humans — period - Post Bulletin
All we boneheads are asking for is a little discussion on the science; solid proof that CO2 is even a pollutant, especially since any corrective actions taken against it (read: wealth distribution) are so potentially damaging to an already fragile economy.

Instead we get called names. There’s your reasonable discourse.
AD: ‘ Where’s the “Science Story of the Century”?‘ by Dennis T. Avery , 6/19/11
What’s dull about the earth going into a temperature decline in the midst of a battle to the death over America’s wealth, between the Sierra Club and the mass of warming-skeptical voters? In a nutshell, alarmists believe that our warming since the end of the Little Ice Age will accelerate, is caused by man’s industrialization, and can only be controlled by slashing our energy use. Their beliefs are heavily based on computer models. Skeptics believe that the warming is moderate, mostly beneficial, is part of the earth’s natural and long-established cycling, and is unstoppable in any case. (Oversimplified? You bet!)
In favour of a law to impose carbon tax? |
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has dismissed an opposition push for a plebiscite on the carbon tax, saying it is a typical coalition stunt.
PolitiFact New Jersey | Sen. Diane Allen blames Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative for Ocean Spray’s pending departure from Bordentown facility
State Sen. Diane Allen (R-Burlington/Camden) cited Ocean Spray's move as an example of how the RGGI was hurting the state's businesses.
Company spokesman John Isaf said in an email that higher energy rates factored into the decision to leave Bordentown, but "not the RGGI program or its contribution to the rate."

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