Saturday, June 04, 2011

[Maybe we should try burning more of our corn?]: Global warming will cause famine
The international research group says millions of people are already suffering from food shortage in these areas and climate change will make it even worse, the state-funded BBC reported.
C3: Mitt Romney Can't Resist Temptation: Another Big Govt Republican Sniffs The AGW Glue
The slick, slippery, elite GOP technocrat that gave the world the failed RomneyCare, has now chosen to join with other big government proponents by embracing the anthropogenic global warming hysteria. Most certainly our nation has a lot of very difficult problems to solve but quite frankly, global warming is not one of them, which Romney can't seem to grasp.
[Breaking: "Environmentalist" may not actually be a great guy]: The sordid past of Simon Lowe, a Sydney playboy turned rapist |
Bonito Monteiro also talked up his credentials as an actor, model and filmmaker working on an environmental documentary that would rival Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth.
Councils that can't afford libraries are still recruiting highly paid 'sustainability' officers - Telegraph
Operating on rather grander scale, as we would expect, is the European Commission, which, it is revealed, enabled President Jose-Manuel Barroso and an entourage of officials to spend £249,000 on private jets to fly them to New York in 2009 for a UN climate change convention, plus another £28,000 for their hotel bill.

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