Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"Good" news from Google: We'll allegedly use vastly more electric cars by 2030. "bad" news: They'll be powered by coal

Google: 90% of Cars Could be EVs and Hybrids By 2030
Electric, plug-in and hybrid vehicles could garner a collective 90 percent market share by 2030, and grid-scale electricity storage could actually increase emissions in the short term, according to an analysis by
... said that in the long term, cheap grid-scale electricity could improve power quality and reliability, lower power prices and, when combined with breakthroughs in solar and wind power, could increase renewables deployment by up to 35 percent by 2050. But in the short term, cheaper storage would allow coal units to run at peak efficiency 24 hours per day, storing energy at night and dispatching it during the day. This would reduce the demand for load-following natural gas capacity and lead to a 0.3 percent increase in greenhouse gas emissions, said.

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