Saturday, June 04, 2011

Plumbing depths of opinion on carbon | Herald Sun
IN a telling intervention that will change the dynamics of the debate, 13 of the nation's plumbers have spoken out about the carbon tax.
Their position can be summarised as follows:

NONE of them has the faintest bloody idea how the carbon tax will work and all think the Government is doing what one described as a "s--- job" of explaining it.

ALL agree that any increases in their operating costs will be passed on to customers.

WITH two exceptions, they queried the timing and purpose of the tax.
NC Media Watch: Yes it has been a cold wet May, but how cold was it
As many readers know, I have been tracking Grass Valley temperatures at the local national weather station since 2005. The average May Temperature in Grass Valley for the last 43 years has been 58.22 ºF. This last month the average temperature was 53.33 ºF, almost five degrees cooler than the long term average.

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