Thursday, June 16, 2011

Salon article invokes God and Noah while blaming natural disasters on our CO2 sins. Commenter suggests that deniers be burned.

Global warming is burning down the American West - War Room -
These are not your grandfather's forest fires.  [Which of these fires were caused by CO2?]
... the devastation to life in the fire zone, from microbiotic communities that hold soil and crucial nutrients in place to more popular species like deer, elk, bear, fish, and birds -- already hard-pressed to cope with the rapidity of climate change -- will be catastrophic.
...A big fire used to burn perhaps 30 square miles. Today, wildfires regularly scorch 150-square-mile areas.
The old gospel got it mostly right when God told Noah, "No more water, the fire next time." ...the droughts, pestilence, and fires we are experiencing in the West are logical and obvious signs that the planet is overheating.
...The atmosphere can only absorb so much carbon dioxide and stay benign and predictable. When you overload the carrying capacity of your environment, there is hell to pay, which means that monster fires are here to stay.
Letters: Global warming is burning down the American West - Salon
we are the most deadly virus

the greatest threat to us is us, and while I accept that, it is the fact that we will take the only innocents which are the animals. WE are unimaginable cancers...we do not deserve what we have, and thus we will loose it.
Letters: Global warming is burning down the American West - Salon
Let 'em burn

These states continually elect the worst type of climate change deniers. Stop all federal efforts and disaster relief funding. Let them all burn in the consequences of thier hateful ignorance.


Case said...

To ascribe extreme weather events that used to be called "acts of God" to human activity is the ultimate atheistic arrogance.

John said...

Which text says, ¨The old gospel got it mostly right when God told Noah, "No more water, the fire next time."¨
Arrogance and ignorance = atheism