Monday, June 13, 2011

Stuck in the slow lane in Bonn | Climate Spectator
The EU was criticised for not raising its 2020 emissions reduction target to a long-foreshadowed 30 per cent. Matthias Duwe from Climate Action Network Europe told Climate Spectator that not increasing the target from 20 per cent could put the EU Emissions Trading Scheme "at risk." This is because the overall target informs the sectoral emissions caps under the ETS. Not raising the target would make it "almost impossible to also increase the tightness of the [emissions] cap," potentially dropping the price of tradable credits to "close to zero." This, Duwe said, would deprive the EU of the carbon price signal needed to spur a low-carbon transition.
Warning: extreme weather ahead | World news | The Guardian
Tornados, wildfires, droughts and floods were once seen as freak conditions. But the environmental disasters now striking the world are shocking signs of 'global weirding'
Welcome to the climate rollercoaster, or what is being coined the "new normal" of weather. What was, until quite recently, predictable, temperate, mild and equable British weather, guaranteed to be warmish and wettish, ensuring green lawns in August, now sees the seasons reversed and temperature and rainfall records broken almost every year.
Sceptics argue that there have always been droughts and floods, freak weather, heatwaves and temperature extremes, but what concerns most climate scientists and observers is that the extreme weather events are occurring more frequently, their intensity is growing and the trends all suggest long-term change as greenhouse gases steadily build in the atmosphere.
Letters found under Hadrian's Wall show Roman soldiers hated British cold weather -
Roman soldiers hated the cold in Britain so much they begged relatives to send them warm socks.

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