Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Temperatures In Alaska Plummeting Since 2002 | Real Science

Tom Harris: UN off base on climate change | Climate Realists
However, a more fundamental concern is that the IPCC is part of the UN, an organisation that already wears too many hats on the climate file.

The IPCC must be replaced by neutral entities, each taking a different tack on the science and each reporting its findings in an open and transparent fashion. Only then will we be able to trust the scientific findings on which the UNFCCC, and indeed most governments, base their climate policies.
Leo Hickman, or the Rehabilitation of Used-car Salesmen « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
Hickman’s search for peace talks lasted between 3:41PM and 10:43PM on 21 June. That’s seven hours two minutes for the math-challenged warmists in the audience.

Call me a cynic, but I have seen more honesty displayed by used-car salesmen.
- Bishop Hill blog - Leo Hickman on peace talks
Thanks for responding to my Guardian article. Unless Andrew has his own views, I'll conclude from the reaction here that the answer to my headline question is a resounding 'no'. It's a shame that there doesn't appear to be any common ground at all, but I'm glad I asked the question.
Jun 21, 2011 at 10:43 PM | Unregistered Commenter Leo Hickman

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