Thursday, June 30, 2011

Washington Post warmist Andrew Freedman suggests that it's "glaringly obvious" that CO2 caused planetary overheating, which caused an unusually thick snowpack, which caused flooding

Global Warming Goes Nuclear - Climate Central
It's rare when two major long-term challenges intersect in such a dangerous, and glaringly obvious way. Rarer still do such events take place without many people making the all-important connections between them. But such is the case right now as two different extreme weather and climate events, both of which may be aggravated by global warming, are placing three American nuclear facilities in jeopardy — two nuclear power plants in Nebraska and the iconic Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

Thus, the U.S. currently faces a bizarre display of what happens when nuclear energy/weapons issues and the climate crisis meet.
The Missouri River flooding, like the Mississippi River flooding earlier this year, is the result of a combination of heavy rainfall and snowmelt from an unusually thick winter snowpack.
Andrew Freedman - Climate Central
He holds a Masters in Climate and Society [does this Masters program include a lot of material about natural climate drivers?] from Columbia University and a Masters in Law and Diplomacy from The Fletcher School at Tufts University.

1 comment:

Andrew Freedman said...

Yes, Tom, the Columbia program does include a lot of material on natural climate drivers - principally ENSO but also other forces.