Tuesday, June 14, 2011

When will we see solar panels on the White House? | Grist
Those tears turned to joy two weeks later, however, when the administration suddenly announced it would take us up on our offer. In front of a thousand cheering people at the first GreenGov symposium, Energy Secretary Steven Chu said, “I am pleased to announce that by the end of this spring, there will be solar panels that convert sunlight into electricity and a solar hot water heater on the roof of the White House.”

That was nine months ago. There’s now one week left until the end of spring.
Humanity’s energy dilemma in three easy charts | Grist
According to the best judgment of our intellectual elites, our current path leads to catastrophe.
Utilities and Joe Barton: ‘Ignore the science: Pollution isn’t bad for you!’ | Grist
In choosing whether to enforce current law to dramatically reduce mercury, arsenic, lead, and nearly 100 other toxic air pollutants [why isn't carbon dioxide on this list?] from power plants -- or instead to retreat from these health safeguards -- it comes down to this.

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