Abbott reveals the inner sceptic that will win him votes | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
At some stage the Liberals will have to decide whether to attack the global warming scaremongers or just potter along in this dangerous way, paying lip service to a false god.Column - The blueprint for Labor’s next leader | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Still, I can’t see for now that these contradictions hurt Abbott that much. Labor will scream that he’s really a sceptic, which many more voters hope is true, while he can keep telling the media he isn’t, which avoids a fight with the true believers there - and in his own party.
Most importantly, he will need to start with a profound apology and a promise of complete change.Die Klimazwiebel: Coding errors - how many errors are on average in a lengthy code?
He will need to bow to a truth so implacable it can no longer be denied: Gillard stole the last election on a lie.
Everyone knows it. “There will be no carbon tax under a government I lead,” the Prime Minister said, just days before the last election.
This is Labor’s original sin. As a result, Gillard lacks legitimacy, and so does Labor.
Are estimates known for climate models, and satellite retrieval products?
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