EU chief climate alarmist Hedegaard sides with the climate-industrial complex
Of course, Connie Hedegaard knows the truth about the EU´s cap-and-trade fraud and she also knows that the EU ETS has not reduced emissions in Europe.Two hours later in Rio
The question is then: Why is Hedegaard still continuing here cap-and-trade crusade?
Maybe for the simle reason that the interests of the climate-industrial complex (to which some of the most polluting energy companies now belong) in reality are the number one priority for her - much more important than actual CO2 reductions.
There is expectation that the Gore effect might kick in Rio de Janeiro as well! The rains are not typical of September. The Winter is finishing there, and this has been a very cold season in South America. Evidence is everywhereNW wheat harvest shifts into gear |
Her brother, Matt Berg, said harvest is at least two weeks later than normal due to the cool, wet weather.No wonder the warmists hate debate | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
"Global warming," he said with a bit of a chuckle. "It's kind of early to see what's happening yet, but it looks pretty good."
The first stirrings of the 2011 wheat harvest began in the Pacific Northwest the week of July 11, by all accounts at least a week and in some places as much as two weeks later than usual.
The National Press Club debate’s results:
Lord Monckton - 10
Former Greens adviser Richard Denniss - 1
Journalists - 0.
Note that Denniss’s entire argument was to follow the “consensus”. There was no attempt at all to explain the evidence contradicting this manufactured consensus.
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