Monday, July 04, 2011

Berlin climate conference collapses: News24: Sci-Tech: News
Berlin - There was little hope of a breakthrough in climate change talks, indicated Germany's environment minister on Monday at the end of a two-day conference in Berlin aimed at finding a follow-up to the Kyoto Protocol.

However, "we got results [like what, specifically?], we discussed things we hadn't before [like what, specifically?]," said Norbert Roettgen after the meeting, attended by representatives from 35 countries.
The New Nostradamus of the North: Merkel´s agenda today: "A dance to the music of the enviro-fundamentalists"
Schellnhuber claims that a few select elites (like his bozos at the PIK) can see 100+ years into the future and to assess the impacts that our actions today will have. The guy is way beyond megalomania. Either we do as he tells us, or millions of future children will die.

1 comment:

Robert of Ottawa said...

We know millions of future children will die; they all will die!