Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Carbon Sense Coalition » Pictures Don't Lie (or do they?)
Even photographic images are manipulated to hide the truth and promote the lie.

Every time the new carbon tax is mentioned on ABC and SBS television, the word dioxide is as invisible as the gas itself.

But what is visible, and which looms large in the background to every story, are billowing white clouds coming from the towers.

But carbon dioxide is invisible. So all we can see must be smoke or water vapour, neither of which comprise the dreaded carbon dioxide.

In the news following the PM’s courageous attempt to maintain her steady-as-she-sinks course, a brief glimpse of Australia’s dirtiest power station, Loy Yang, showed the station’s magnificent smoke stacks in all their glory, but not a sign of any smoke. So the next close-up was carefully framed to show only the chimneys to the top of the structures - can’t have people asking why there were no visible emissions.
Breaking Exclusive: Polar Bears Still Screwed by Global Warming | ThinkProgress
Now I was told Monnett’s work was mentioned in Gore’s book. I missed it the first time I looked for it, but here it is:
The melting of the ice represents bad news for creatures like polar bears. A new scientific study shows that, for the first time, polar bears have been drowning in significant numbers. Such deaths have been rare in the past. But now, these bears find they have to swim much longer distances from floe to floe. In some places, the edge of the ice is 30 to 40 miles from the shore.
Glacial Devastation In Alaska | Real Science
Between 1794 and 1879, the glacier at Glacier Bay, Alaska retreated eight feet per day. This was probably due to something which Sarah Palin’s great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather did.
Satellites Produce More Icebergs | Real Science
Since Earth monitoring satellites were launched in the late 1970s, the number of icebergs drifting south of 48N has increased. Similarly, the number of hurricanes in the mid-Atlantic has also increased.

I’d like to get some grant money to understand why the presence of satellites affects hurricane and iceberg formation.

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