Saturday, July 23, 2011

Chris Huhne orders inquiry into fossil fuel lobby influence over Tory MEPs | Politics | The Guardian
Chris Huhne has ordered a private inquiry into which fossil fuel lobbyists "got to" the Conservative MEPs who defied David Cameron and voted down an ambitious carbon emissions target in the European parliament on 5 July.

"I have asked for a full analysis of what happened," said the energy and climate change minister, speaking at an event in parliament. "We thought the vote was going to be close, but it was not close. We want to see which lobby groups managed to get to the MEPs."
"I'm happy for Huhne to investigate whatever the hell he likes. I just wish he'd spend more time investigating the huge economic damage that his green policies will do," said Tory MEP and climate sceptic Roger Helmer. He added: "The prime minister is in no position to 'bring Conservative MEPs into line'. I vote in what I conceive to be the best interests of my country and my constituents: the party whip comes a poor third."
BBC News - Devon winter fear for Dartford warblers
One of Devon's rarest birds is under threat from another bad winter, the RSPB says.

The Dartford warbler, which is found on east Devon heaths, has been badly affected by the last two harsh winters.

Recent gorse fires and another bad winter could wipe them out in the county, the charity said.
Science Communication vs. Soulcraft
If, however, an individual (whether a university professor in Massachusetts or an oil-rig worker in Oklahoma) forms a belief about climate change that is heretical within her community, she might well forfeit the friendship and respect of people she depends on most for support in her everyday life.
In his Rolling Stone essay, Al Gore calls the debate over climate change a “a struggle for the soul of America.” He’s right; but that’s exactly the problem. In “battles” over “souls,” citizens of a diverse, pluralistic society will naturally disagree—intensely. We’d all be better off if the issue had never come to bear connotations so fraught. Obama’s primary science communication task now is to lower the stakes.

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