Tuesday, July 19, 2011

CO2 Science:  Flood Trends of German Rivers
there is no other conclusion to be drawn but that the warming experienced in Germany over the past century has not led to unprecedented flooding throughout the country. In fact, it has not led to any increase in flooding.
CO2 Science: The World's Oscillatory Climate as Experienced in Northern Iberia
Irrespective of which of the four multi-century warm periods of the last four millennia was the warmest of the bunch, it is clear that there is nothing unusual about the current level of warmth of northern Iberia, of Europe, or of the globe as a whole, especially when it is realized that the atmosphere's CO2 concentration is about 40% greater today than it was during the prior three warm periods of the last four millennia.
PwC wins Sustainability Consultancy of the Year : graduate jobs, careers, recruitment TARGETjobs
The firm's sustainability and climate change practice, which works with public and private sector clients, is made up of 800 employees worldwide and led by the 100-member UK practice.
Hansen : Three Degrees Warming This Decade | Real Science
Always remember – you are an anti-science creationist flat-earther if you question scientists.
UN : World Doomed By 1999 | Real Science

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