Thursday, July 21, 2011

Coral Reefs All Went Extinct Hundreds Of Millions Of Years Ago | Real Science
Leading climate experts tell us that coral atolls can’t handle changes in sea level. That is why they all went extinct eons ago, and why we find fossilized coral reefs in Kansas. Nature simply can not adapt to change.
Aliens more newsworthy than global boring. | ScottishSceptic
I missed the fact that global warming stories (both pro and anti) may well have fallen to an all time low. Or at least google news count is(?) at an all time low (which now I think about it may mean that Google in it’s desire to spread the truth have decided that anti-global warming news isn’t “news”?)

Still global warming hits are 5650, “peak oil” hits are still lower at 3340 but “aliens” is at 5,680.
The dozen divas of cleantech | Grist
Since 2008, Vestas has created some 2,000 new jobs in the United States -- more than any other wind energy company.
...Zoi, 50, has experience investing in promising clean-energy projects, as she helped dole out billions in stimulus funding through the Department of Energy when she served as Obama's assistant secretary for energy efficiency and renewable energy. Previously she ran Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection and served as chief of staff in the White House Office on Environmental Policy during the Clinton administration.
Mayor Bloomberg Donates $50 Million To Sierra Club : NPR
The Sierra Club is getting a big boost in its effort to shut down coal-fired power plants. The plants produce nearly half the nation's electricity. But they also pump out lots of pollution that contributes to climate change, makes people sick and causes premature deaths. NPR's Elizabeth Shogren reports that New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg supporting the organization's efforts with a donation of $50 million.

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