Sunday, July 10, 2011

Does Sacrifice Appease The Sun? | Real Science
Julia and other greens around the world believe that sacrifices must be made in order to control the climate. This is an age old idea which was used extensively by the Aztecs. It was well known at the time that global warming was ubiquitous and caused by a lack of human blood being spilled.

Politicians now take a more subtle approach to human sacrifice. By raising energy prices, they can freeze people to death silently in their homes, which has the same effect of appeasing the CO2 gods.
“Carbon Sunday” – The madness in Australia over the Carbon Tax | Watts Up With That?
They are calling it “Carbon Sunday”.

This is a collection of links and excerpts regarding PM Julia Gillard’s speech announcing the tax. In a nutshell, from what I can see, the majority of Australians are pissed, and she’s toast, partly because she lied about it before taking office, partly due to the fact it is being implemented as a deficit from the get-go. Oh and then there’s the fact that it won’t make a bit of difference to the temperature, and will be nullified by China.

Apparently, the way it is structured, it looks “Almost bordering on a bribe” (-Andrew Bolt, see his interview with Lindzen below) .
Gillard faces an uphill battle
To minimise criticism, it will throw a heap of money at low and middle-income earners in compensation - and, for several million real battlers, over-compensation.
Tony Abbott calls the measures ''redistribution pretending to be compensation''. While only the mega-rich miss out altogether, some of those who get something but don't come out square will feel resentful, adding to discontent over general cost of living pressures.

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