Friday, July 15, 2011

Fast-shrinking glacier experienced rapid growth during cooler times - Online News # 28412
Washington, July 15 : A study has found that large, marine-calving glaciers have the ability not only to shrink rapidly in response to global warming, but to grow at a remarkable pace during periods of global cooling.
Through an analysis of adjacent lake sediments and plant fossils, the UB team determined that the glacier, which retreated about 40 kilometres inland between 1850 and 2010, expanded outward at a similar pace about 200 years ago, during a time of cooler temperatures known as the Little Ice Age.
Effects Of Warming Arctic Highlighted At London's Maritime Museum (VIDEO)
Matt Clark told the online magazine, “Walking across these glaciers was the most magical moment for me. When I was standing on one of them, one of the scientists said: ‘In 50 years’ time, these won’t be here.’ It is this beauty, scale and fragility — and a sense of loss — which we are trying to embody in this exhibition.”
Deeply Concerned Chris Matthews Fears Climate Change Will 'Create Trade Routes Across the Arctic Circle!' |
Yikes, trade routes through the Arctic! Next thing you know there'll be commerce, profits! Worse still ... boats going to Norway. Oh the humanity ...
Climate groups wants NZ debate with sceptic | NATIONAL News
Plans are under way to pit outspoken climate sceptic Christopher Monckton against top New Zealand scientists in a debate designed to stir up controversy.

A climate change sceptics group is trying to arrange a visit by the high-profile British peer on the back of his trip to Australia.

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