Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Guardian: You know what we need more of? Expletive-filled rap videos from climate hoax scientists

Scientists finally get angry about indifference to climate change | Science | The Guardian
For decades, scientists have been seen as meek, dispassionate souls. But now, faced with widespread indifference to global warming, a small band of science radicals are getting angry. Will more follow suit?
While most scientists have learned keep their heads down, a few are beginning to argue that what a scientist knows must inform his or her personal opinions and values. That's why a group of young Australian climate scientists released an expletive-filled music video earlier this year. It was an angry rap aimed at those who question climate science while holding no qualifications in the field. They used the rather unscientific word "motherf*cker" and poured scorn on "bitches" opposing a carbon tax.

Hearteningly, there may be more of this to come.

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