Monday, July 11, 2011

Italy’s Beaches Vanishing Due To ‘Violent’ Effects Of Climate Change - PSFK
Experts blame development along Italy’s rivers and the building of hydro-electric dams, which have slowed down the erosion of river banks and the flow out to sea of the tonnes of sediment and sand needed to replenish beaches after storms. “The Tiber sent 400,000 cubic metres of sand a year into the Mediterranean 25 years ago. Now it’s down to 80,000 cubic metres,” said Angelo Bonelli, head of the Italian Green party.
The BBC’s Richard Black Engages in “Goldilocks-Picking” | Watts Up With That?
Each “up hill” and each “down hill” leg of a Sine wave has a very strong secular trend. Unless you have enough data to see several cycles, you don’t know if you are looking at a long-term trend or an incomplete cycle.
Word Choice Matters for Energy Policy -
In his March speech on energy security, Mr. Obama used “clean” or “cleaner” 24 times in the context of energy, “renewable” eight times and “alternative” nine times. “Green” and “sustainable” got zero mentions.
Europeans do frequently have conversations about a different term, which some politicians in the United States treat like a toxin.

That term, as Mr. Weiss notes, is “climate change.”

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