Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Life After Land - NYTimes.com
The United Nations should affirm that if an island nation loses its permanent population and territory to rising seawater, the world will continue to recognize its sovereignty as a nation.
An Environmentalist Joins the Reality-Based Community - Reason Magazine
Let’s set aside the fact that Lynas fully accepts the most catastrophic interpretations of climate change, extinction rates, and nitrogen loading. What’s truly refreshing is that, for the most part, Lynas now strongly rejects the Green ideology that demands the dismantling of the human economy as the “solution” to these alleged crises.
With regard to the problem climate change, Lynas correctly dismisses the calls of Green ideologues for a “worldwide change in values, a program of mass education to reduce people’s desires to consume, a more equitable distribution of global wealth, smashing the power of transnational corporations, or even the abolition of capitalism itself.”
NRB Airs 'Resisting the Green Dragon' - Health & Science - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com
A DVD documentary meant to counter global warming claims and other environmental extremism will head to television starting this week.

"Resisting the Green Dragon" is a 12-part series now airing on the National Religious Broadcasters network, Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET.
Gillard failing to sell carbon tax, poll finds - National News - National - General - Boorowa News
A MAJORITY of Australians believe they will be worse off under the carbon price and almost half see Bob Brown and the Greens as mainly responsible for the package's design, an Age/Nielsen poll has found.

In results showing that people have not felt at all reassured after seeing the compensation details, only 6 per cent say they will be better off, while 53 per cent believe they will be worse off and 37 per cent say it will make no difference to them personally.

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