Saturday, July 09, 2011

Montana ultra-marathon race cancelled due to snow | Great Falls Tribune |
MISSOULA — The race director of a 100-mile ultra-marathon foot race through the Flathead National Forest has cancelled the event due to lingering snow on the route that he says would make the course too dangerous for runners and likely prevent anyone from finishing within the required 36-hour limit.
Author James Delingpole Speaks on Global Warming Debate
Unfortunately, dialogue on the issue remains littered with exaggeration and misrepresentation. “One of the great propaganda victories that has been scored by the green movement has been to portray this world as having two kinds of people: on the one hand you have the caring sharing bunny hugging types, members of Greenpeace who care about nature; and on the other hand you have evil capitalists with big fat cigars in their mouth and dollar signs on their pinstripe suits.” With a dialogue like this, it makes reasonable debate and compromise an increasingly unlikely proposition. As Delingpole points out, the evidence is inconclusive as to whether climate change is actually caused by man or if subtle climate change is even a problem. But these types of open discussions can only occur when fear and propaganda are taken out of the equation. “What my book is really about is a plea for a more rational discourse about the environment.”
Climate change: Gillard or Abbott |
[Piers Akerman] The carbon dioxide tax has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with raising an extra $11 billion in revenue.

The tax is not a reform, it is economic suicide.

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