Thursday, July 21, 2011

New green fraud: Organic water |
Can organic air be far behind?
Expert: DC Area is So Hot, it's Become 'Our Own Little Hell'
Data for mostly-rural Virginia shows "no trend in summer temperatures whatsoever," Michaels said. The conclusion is that urban density -- concrete, asphalt, office buildings, parking lots -- is what creates Washington's heat.

"We've made our own little hell," Michael says. "How shocking is that?"

Michaels says it is getting warmer, but "if you really look at the data dispassionately, what you see is the amount of observed warming is clearly running below what was predicted to happen."
Philadelphia in 1876:  Not cool - Google Books

1 comment:


Organic Water?

Isn't that's why all those hippies signed the petition to get rid of dihydrogen oxide?