Tuesday, July 12, 2011

New study suggests that the volcanic impact on climate may be significantly underestimated | Watts Up With That?
In addition we demonstrate that the binary H2SO4 - H2O nucleation scheme, as it is usually considered in modeling studies, underestimates by 7 to 8 orders of magnitude the observed particle formation rate and, therefore, should not be applied in tropospheric conditions. These results may help to revisit all past simulations of the impact of volcanic eruptions on climate.
Why are fossil fuel assets Triple-A rated? | Environment | guardian.co.uk
Entitled Unburnable Carbon - Are the world's financial markets carrying a carbon bubble?, the report analyses the fossil fuel reserves of the top 100 listed coal companies and the top 100 listed oil and gas companies, and concludes that if the world is to achieve the internationally agreed target of limiting average temperature rises to 2°C, only 20 per cent of these reserves can be accessed.
Leggett's comments were echoed by Sean Kidney, chair of the Climate [Hoax] Bonds Initiative, which will this month launch new standards for green investment bonds.
He warned that many investors, including pension funds, were not cognisant of the significant long-term risk fossil fuel firms and assets now face. "If you have an informed view that climate change policy is a fad, then you can argue the risks are low," he said. "But if you think climate change policy will get tighter and climate change impacts will get more severe, then you have to factor in greater levels of risk than is appreciated at the moment."

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