Thursday, July 07, 2011

Peter Foster: Snoopy and the Green Baron | FP Comment | Financial Post
The airlines’ opposition to buying allowances marks yet another blow to the ETS, which has been the cornerstone of the EU’s “market-oriented” solution to the threat of man-made climate catastrophe. However, as Nigel Lawson, former British chancellor of the exchequer and founder of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, has pointed out, the ETS is not a market mechanism at all but a “government-controlled, administrative rationing system,” which is subject to horse trading and prone to corruption.

The ETS is already reeling under the burden of cyberscandals and wild swings in prices. Its putative U.S. equivalent, which was staunchly promoted by the Obama administration, has been killed stone dead, leading to the shutdown last year of the Chicago Climate Exchange. Indeed, outside the EU, emissions trading is virtually non-existent.

The ETS was rigged from the start since European countries all sought to set their own caps as high as possible so as not to cripple their domestic industries. This meant way too many credits and an initial price collapse. The market has since been beset by fraud.
Airport expansion - 'The prospects are exciting for holidaymakers' - Edinburgh Evening News
JUST when it seemed that no- one in Edinburgh was ready to predict dramatic progress anymore, up pops Edinburgh Airport with forecasts of a startling increase in air services.
An extra three million passengers flying in and out of the Capital before the end of the decade thanks to an extra 25,000 flights a year is the prediction – and a doubling of both within 30 years.
Media-driven decision making - The Drum Opinion (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Media companies are not supposed to operate as public relations or lobbying firms. Rather, they should be focussing on the business of getting and reporting the news. Recently, however, the lines have been blurred with some media organisations playing a more active role in campaign journalism advocating strongly in support of issues ranging from climate change to gambling.

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