Saturday, July 16, 2011

Prime Minister Julia Gillard defends carbon tax ad spend |
The advertisements, to screen from tonight, will cost $12 million but the total bill for the federal government to explain its climate-change policy will cost more than $25 million.
C3: Laurens Bouwer, IPCC Lead Author Admits There Has Been No Significant Impact From Climate Change
In a nutshell, Laurens Bouwer, speaking for the IPCC, concurs that the climate change empirical evidence (ie, severe weather events, species extinction, etc.) of CO2-induced global warming is not convincing, nor material, nor relevant. Since there is no evidence of the IPCC C-AGW hypothesis and predictions being valid, he suggests instead using the failed predictions as basis for future prognostications about climate impact.

Simply amazing idiocy from the IPCC's scientific elite, eh? But wait......
With Arctic Ice at Record Low, NSIDC Director Serreze says “we are on track to see an ice-free summer by 2030. It is an overall downward spiral.” | ThinkProgress
Indeed, many, including me, believe we’ll see virtually ice-free summers within a decade.
The Reference Frame: Deadly New York heat wave kills 50 people a day
Just to be sure, it was 1911.
The IPCC Is Dead « The Unbearable Nakedness of CLIMATE CHANGE
This is it, guys and gals. The IPCC is dead.

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