Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Quadrant Online - Household pests? Blame CO2
The question is what hard evidence is there that CO2 is responsible for most of the warming. We have had warming since the late 1800s, mostly without significant CO2 emissions. The only period in contention is the very brief period (in climate terms) between the late 1970s and 2000.

I don’t know about you but I want this exact question addressed.
Climate Common Sense: Whoops- What's another 2 Billion of Carbon Monopoly Money!
Here we go already - a minor glitch in Gillard's costing of at least 2 billion which is required to replace Hazelwood power station will be funded from a magic "budget contingency" fund .
The Climate Sceptics (TCS) Blog: Lord Monckton - Richard Dennis National Press Club Debate - 19th July
On Tuesday 19th July an historic debate will occur at the National Press Club when Lord Monckton debates Global warmist Richard Denniss live.

This will be the first time a one hour debate on the science and the economics of Global warming are tackled head to head with two opposing leading advocates on in front of the TV cameras.
We are probably witnessing the end of the carbon crusades | JunkScience Sidebar
Australia’s bizarre rainbow conglomerate government as done the world a favor. After witnessing the fate of these poor fools no politician on the planet will ever mention carbon restraint ever again, despite the absurd spin run by Reuters:

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