Friday, July 08, 2011

Scary maps of the new climate normal | Grist
Parts of the Great Plains, the Mississippi Valley, and the Northeast experienced slightly cooler July maximums from 1981-2010 compared to 1971-2000 (top map).
[Devastating news:  Developing countries are allegedly saving all of our grandchildren from fiery floods]: Industrialized Countries are Now Losing the Clean Energy Race | ThinkProgress
For the first time ever, developing countries lead yearly investment in clean energy — representing about $72 billion in spending in 2010, versus $70 billion in rich countries. So while U.S. lawmakers argue about efficiency standards in light bulbs, the 800-pound dragon, China, is dominating. Meanwhile, Brazil, India and various Middle Eastern countries are catching up.
Michael Fisher | RealClimate Reveals Willie Soon’s “Scientific Sleight of Hand”
When it comes down to it, the quality of the science is what matters. And skeptical science regularly resorts to misdirection and junk science as a mode to influence popular opinion. That is why we need scientists like those at RealClimate to break through the skeptical static and reveal the truth.
The Coming Clean Tech Crash - Energy Source - How we power the world - Forbes
The global clean energy industry is set for a major crash. The reason is simple. Clean energy is still much more expensive and less reliable than coal or gas, and in an era of heightened budget austerity the subsidies required to make clean energy artificially cheaper are becoming unsustainable.

Clean tech crashes are nothing new. The U.S. wind energy industry has collapsed three times before, first in the mid 1990s and most recently in 2002 and 2004 when Congress failed to extend the tax credit that made it profitable. But the impact and magnitude of the coming clean tech crash will far outstrip those of past years.

1 comment:

Dave said...

Convenient when quoting green development numbers to neglect to mention how much of that money comes from CDM projects via the UN.