Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sir David King Proposes To Equalize The UK Economy With North Korea | Real Science
If the UK tries to have more industry than North Korea, they should be severely penalized.
The Reference Frame: Climate soothers begin to show their teeth
Now, if you're a climate skeptic who doesn't like that the climate skeptics - usually pretty regular people - are also starting to show their dissatisfaction in ways that are not entirely peaceful, you must know very well that you're not the only one. However, your humble correspondent tends to agree with Marc Morano and a few others whose name won't be promoted - because some of them could face problems if they just admitted that they share my opinions (some of them are apparently very decent and peaceful scientists!) - that this change of the atmosphere is refreshing.
Sick of global warming scaremongers | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Australian researchers says global warming alarmism is making us sick:
Why Global Warming Alarmism Isn’t Science | Power Line
In this week’s The Week That Was, Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President of the Science and Environmental Policy Project, offers a concise explanation of why global alarmism, as represented by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, is not science

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