Friday, July 29, 2011

Spencer and Braswell on Slashdot | Watts Up With That?
This is how Slashdot breaks the news from Forbes article: “New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism”. When it hits Slashdot, you know it has gone viral.
In Science, The Majority Is Always Correct | Real Science
If you pay a group of people to find a particular answer, more than 50% of them will normally find that answer. As long as you continue paying them to find that answer, it is likely that the majority will continue to find that answer.
‪From Helsinki to Saint Petersburg sailing through iced Baltic Sea‬‏ - YouTube
Sailing from Helsinki to Saint Petersburg on a ferry boat during one of the coolest winters of the last 30 years.  [Via Steven Goddard]
Quadrant Online - Green politics bad for climate
The composition of the carbon tax package is a clear demonstration that the Greens political agenda – without the support of the values embraced by the bulk of neither the electorate, nor it seems, key parts of the government – is driving change, based on ideology rather than science or evidence.

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