Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Twitter / @Revkin: Al Gore Seeks to Re-Energize Base
Al Gore Seeks to Re-Energize Base with Climate Reality Project via @bigthink [But "base ball" seems to have failed, no?]
Al Gore and Ron Paul step forward - The Hill's Pundits Blog
Al Gore has announced a major new climate-change initiative coming this fall. Ron Paul has announced he will not run for reelection and will concentrate his efforts on running for president. Bravo to them both. Two men of high principle.

Al Gore and Ron Paul, two men of integrity with character and passion for what they believe. They are vastly different from each other in most regards, but they share the one thing so missing in American politics. They are conviction politicians. One is running for president today. The other was elected president once, and will be again, though next time he will be inaugurated.
Second, Al Gore. Al Gore is the most qualified person in America to be president. In my view, by far. I give Al Gore great credit for leading the charge on multiple issues central to the future of the world, decade after decade, with the courage of his convictions and the clarity of his commitment.
On the Democratic side, while certain major Democrats retreat, Al Gore leads the charge to save the world, battle the polluters and stand for principle.

I consider Al Gore the true leader and heir to the great Democratic presidents in history, a subject, along with Gore's political future, I will be returning to discuss very soon.
[comment] Al Gore and Ron Paul step forward - The Hill's Pundits Blog
You're on crack right? Al Gore is an opportunist who is profiting handsomely off of selling carbon credits. Global warming, oh wait they're calling it climate change, is a hoax. if you believe Al Gore gives a damn about the environment you probably believe he invented the internet as well. BY Amber Pendleton on 07/12/2011 at 15:38
Coldest July day in Sydney for 8 years | Australian Climate Madness
From the High Temperatures Are Global Warming But Low Temperatures Are Just Weather department:

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