Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What happened to the alleged consensus?: Telegraph article: "Few areas of science are as bitterly contested as that of man-made climate change"

Can Prof Rajendra Pachauri really survive 'Glaciergate’? - Telegraph
The head of the UN panel on climate change, Prof Rajendra Pachauri, is still adamant that one famously exaggerated report should not cost him his job.
Few areas of science are as bitterly contested as that of man-made climate change....Prof Pachauri is crystal clear that the IPCC’s role is to advise governments on “policy relevance”, not “policy prescription”)...
Pachauri has come forearmed with a copy of the IPCC press release that accompanied the report on renewables. It makes plain, as he shows me, that the 77 per cent figure is just the highest of a range of possibilities that the IPCC scientists considered. In the very next paragraph of the release is the lowest figure: 15 per cent.

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