Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Whoever says “pollution” is trying to trick you | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Ziggy Switkowski, chancellor of RMIT University, is growing more frustrated by the deceptive language of the warmists
Could Murdoch’s News Corp be behind Climategate too? | Romm
So the Climategate investigation should not involve Scotland Yard, and should investigate whether News Corp had any involvement. It could start by investigating whether News Corp hacked the phone of any climate scientists.
Murdoch pie thrower 'Jonnie Marbles' campaigns with comedy
his sister, Helen, is a climate change campaigner who has taken part in several high-profile protests.
The next climate debate bombshell
CERN in Geneva—will soon announce that more cosmic rays do, indeed, create more clouds in earth’s atmosphere. More cosmic rays mean a cooler planet

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