Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why global warmists hate climate skeptics
Lack of respect for liberty, always present in unaccountable dictators, leads directly to lack of respect for life and property. The natural course of events is for authoritarians to reward themselves with special dispensations, to participate in gross immorality and to use imprisonment, torture and murder as tools of control. 

Lindzen, like Dr. Roy Spencer, and climate skeptics in general are hated because they undermine the ability of a self-anointed group to accumulate power by means of their "intelligence and virtue," as they attempt to sway millions of the credulous who seek paths to redemption through the false religion of environmentalism and its worldly virtues.
'Dean of climate skeptics' slated to speak Monday at CSU | The Coloradoan |
Outspoken climate change and global warming skeptic Fred Singer will speak at Colorado State University on Monday.

Singer, who also is known for his skepticism about the health impacts of second-hand cigarette smoke, will speak about the disparity between climate models and climate observations and what he calls "chaotic uncertainties" and how to overcome them.

Singer is an emeritus professor of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia and is known as the "dean" of climate skeptics. ''
Why Hasn’t The Earth Warmed In Nearly 15 Years? - Patrick Michaels - Climate of Fear - Forbes
Where is the test of the hypothesis that sulfates are indeed responsible for the lack of warming? In this paper, it’s simply “modeled-in” as it fits the data well. That’s correlation, not causation.
- Bishop Hill blog - Warm climates of the past
An interesting looking conference at the Royal Society in October:

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