Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Will the phone hacking scandal result in less hurricanes?

Hackgate: good news or bad for the climate? - 20 Jul 2011 - Opinion from BusinessGreen
It's hardly surprising that most greens are, as George Monbiot tweeted it, "dancing a jig around their desks" as they watch the most powerful media empire of our age crumble under the weight of its own corruption. That's not just because people who care about climate change happen to find Murdoch vile on issues ranging from the Iraq war to the demonisation of refugees; it's also because News Corp has put out lots of disinformation on climate change.
The Reference Frame: Romm: Murdoch hacked UEA and launched Climategate
It's kind of amazing how insanely unlikely and contrived ad hoc speculations the climate fanatics are ready to believe as long as these speculations lead to ideologically convenient corollaries.


Anonymous said...

FOX was also created by Murdoch. Should we demand a PUBLIC and INDEPENDENT investigation?

kerwin said...

FOX was also created by Murdoch. Should we demand a PUBLIC and INDEPENDENT investigation?